This panel discusses the opportunity and impact of volunteer patrols along the Miami Valley Trails, the nation’s largest paved trail network.
Each panelist will give a 10-15 presentation about their responsibilities and experience, then there will be question/answer time.
Brent Anslinger
Five Rivers MetroParks Outdoor Recreation Program Manager
Gary Wright
Greene County Sentinels
Gary Wright was born in Kentucky, lived around the world, and retired in Ohio. Being an avid outdoors enthusiast all his life with hiking, backpacking, and cycling always being a part of the adventure no matter where he lived. He climbed Mt Fuji in Japan, hiked many sections of the Appalachian Trail, and cycled many trails including the GAP, Great Allegheny Passage, and C&O Canal. The last stop in his career, tier 1 automotive manufacturing, brought him to Fairborn, Ohio and discovered the best cycling trail system around. After retiring, he began volunteering with Greene County Parks and Trails to promote the use of the trails and to give something back for all the enjoyment the trail system brings him.
Keith Hutchison
Greene County Sentinels
Keith was born in Maysville, Kentucky and grew up in New Madison, Ohio. He attended Wright State University from 1979 – 1983 for a Bachelors in Chemistry and Biology, then 1983 – 1985 for Masters in Analytical Chemistry. After graduation he has been a Chemist in the caulks and sealant industry, Analytical Environmental Laboratory industry and now in the Paper and packaging industry. After college he has lived in the Beavercreek area since 1986. He has always been active in outdoor sports: cycling, running, boating & water skiing, swimming, tennis, snow skiing and recently pickleball.
He has has been a member of the Greene Co. Parks and Rec trail Sentinel team for several years logging thousands of miles on the trail system. As a Greene Co Parks and Trails Sentinel he plans and leads the Saturday, Morning Miler community rides during the riding season of April to October. He is a member of the Beavercreek Bikeway and Non-motorized Transportation advisory committee (BANTAC) providing advice to the City of Beavercreek on ways to make the city more user friendly to cyclists and pedestrians. He is an active member in St Luke Catholic Parish as an usher, Eurcharist minister, and Booster member.
He has been married for 35 years to his lovely wife Paula and has two adult girls, one living in Cincinnati and works as a preschool teacher and the other lives in Austin Texas and works as a Physician’s Assistant.
Earl McDaniel
MetroParks Volunteer Patrol
Earl McDaniel has six years of experience volunteering on the local trails, biking and hiking. For the Keepers of the Trail panel, he’ll be able to share experiences on helping travelers, welcoming first timers, assisting with trail maintenance, and being “eyes and ears” for local law enforcement to make the trails a safe enjoyable place for all to enjoy. He routinely rides his bike twice each day as a bicycle commuter while doing longer rides (including a string of 127 straight months with at least one century ride) on weekends. He has done several overnight trips, including a solo crossing of the continental United States in 42 days of cycling in 2018.