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Wright State University, Student Union Building, Endeavour Room

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  3. Wright State University, Student Union Building, Endeavour Room
Events at this venue

Biking Dayton to Niagara Falls, by Jeffrey McElfresh

Wright State University, Student Union Building, Endeavour Room Student Union Building, Fairborn, OH, United States

In the summer of 2022, Jeffrey (JuicyMelt) McElfresh cycled 933 miles over 19 days, traveling solo to Niagara Falls before turning around and pedaling home to Dayton, Ohio. Averaging over 50 miles each day and (mostly) camping along the way, he pushed his physical boundaries, made some incredible friends and wrestled with the nature of […]

El Camino de Santiago – Two Styles of Travel by Diana Glawe and Emily Foubert

Wright State University, Student Union Building, Endeavour Room Student Union Building, Fairborn, OH, United States

El Camino de Santiago is a 1,200-year-old pilgrimage across Europe culminating at the final resting place of the Apostle St. James. Diana Glawe and Emily Foubert will share their distinct experiences on El Camino as they both chose different styles of travel. Glawe stayed in pre-arranged private room lodging, while Foubert stayed in albergues (hostels […]