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2022 Adventure Summit

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Decoding Nature

Recreation Commons (Near Climbing Wall) Wright State Student Union

Decoding Nature Are you ready for an adventure? MetroParks has teamed up with the awesome folks who create Decoding Dayton for a look at the past, present and future of your MetroParks, and the role access to nature has played in the Dayton region’s development. From traveling the trails to searching for wildlife, join us to […]

Midwest Outdoor Leadership Conference

Atlantis Wright State Student Union

The Adventure Summit is proud to collaborate with the Midwest Outdoor Leadership Conference (MOLC) jointly hosted by University of Dayton and Wright State University.  This student led conference will take place in part at The Adventure Summit by offering sessions as part of the full presentation schedule to student leaders from across the region.  Sessions at The Adventure Summit are open to […]

Hiking, Good for You, Take it Up!

Apollo A Wright State Student Union

Gudrun and Peter Seifert present Hiking, Good for You, Take it Up!; In these times with so many travel and contact restrictions, local parks have become very important. We describe our favorite trails at the Germantown and Twin Creek MetroParks, the Caesars Creek Perimeter Trail, and finally as a distant reward, for the strongest hikers, […]

Thru Hiking Catalina Island

Pathfinder Wright State Student Union

Kelsey Fulton presents Thru Hike Catalina Island; Learn why Catalina Island has been named one of the top hiking destinations in the U.S. Enjoy views of the island and local wildlife. Discover a brief history of the area and how to journey there. Tips on being a courteous guest and how to get the most out of your […]

Arctic Cycling Adventure in Ohio

Endeavour B Wright State Student Union

Brent Devitt presents Arctic Cycling Adventure in Ohio?; We have our share of snow and cold weather in Ohio and that is all you need for our version of arctic cycling adventure right here at home during the winter months. Discover how cycling in winter can be fun with some good, but not necessarily expensive […]

My E.G.G.S.perience on a 48 Hour, 80 Mile Challenge

Endeavour C Wright State Student Union

Randall Roberts presents My E.G.G.S.perience on a 48 hour 80 mile challenge; Hike 20 miles around Burr Oak Lake in 12 hours? Add the wildcat hollow backpack loop for a total of 40 miles in 24 hours? Add another lap around Wildcat for 60 miles in 36 hours? Or do two 40 mile loops in […]

Ohiopyle Adventures

Endeavour A Wright State Student Union

Rob Crawford presents Ohiopyle Adventures; From George Washington’s earliest wildness exploration to Laurel Highlands Hiking Trail backpacking, whitewater kayaking and rafting and Great Appalachian Passage cycling. This presentation ties the history of the area that influenced military decisions during the French and Indian War with the mountains and mighty Youghiogheny River that makes this a […]

The 60-somethings Key to Success on the Appalachian Trail

Discovery A+B Wright State Student Union

Ruth Morley presents This 60-something's Keys to Success on the Appalachian Trail; How would "Ruthless," now in her mid- to late-60's, with a specialized diet, back issues and a tendency to get fractures and tendonitis, manage to successfully cover the full distance of the Appalachian Trail? Through meticulous planning and preparation. Logistical planning included researching […]

The Novice’s Guide to Treating Breaks, Bruises, Sprains & Strains Part 1

Fitness Studio C Wright State Student Union

Dr. Hillary McKinley & Dr. Heather Stuart present The Novice's Guide to Treating Breaks, Bruises, Sprains & Strains Part 1; Orthopedic injuries are among the most common seen in outdoor activities. This is a practical guide for those without advanced medical training to assess and stabilize commonly encountered injuries in the outdoor setting with limited resources. Following […]

Baileys: Ohio’s Newest Outdoor Adventure Destination

Apollo A Wright State Student Union

Joe Crowley & Peter Kotses present Baileys: Ohio's Newest Outdoor Adventure Destination; While big named destinations are on everyone's bucket-list, our own backyards are often filled with untapped potential. A committed grassroots local effort has taken a forested blank canvas and turned it into a plan for 88 miles of hiking and biking trails highlighted by […]

A Grandfather’s Solo Bike Ride Across America

Discovery A+B Wright State Student Union

Bill Fowler presents A Grandfather’s Solo Bike Ride Across America; With pictures, Bill tells of his solo adventure in bicycling across America at the age of 66. He recounts the dangers, trials, tribulations, fatigue, and despondency endured. His story also sings with the joy and exuberance only an exciting adventure can bring forth as well […]

The Healing Powers of Nature + Persuing our Dreams

Endeavour C Wright State Student Union

Sofia Lopez-Mimendi presents The Healing Powers of Nature and Perusing our Dreams; Sofia Mimendi is an avid trail runner, passionate about skiing, and the co-founder of Aclipse campervans. A Cincinnati campervan rental business. After being sucker punched by life, when her 28 year old husband got diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer, Sofia and her husband Shane, relied […]

The Novice’s Guide to Treating Breaks, Bruises, Sprains & Strains Part 2

Fitness Studio C Wright State Student Union

Dr. Hillary McKinley & Dr. Heather Stuart present The Novice's Guide to Treating Breaks, Bruises, Sprains & Strains Part 2  Orthopedic injuries are among the most common seen in outdoor activities. This is a practical guide for those without advanced medical training to assess and stabilize commonly encountered injuries in the outdoor setting with limited resources. […]

The Grand Canyon: Learn! Plan! Go!

Endeavour A Wright State Student Union

Charley Schuerholz presents The Grand Canyon: Learn! Plan! Go!; Have you thought about what it would be like to hike one of the World’s Seven Natural Wonders? Do you crave a challenging hike in an extreme environment? Have you thought about planning a Grand Canyon trip (or a trip to any national park), but find […]

Gym to Crag; Red River Gorge

Atlantis Wright State Student Union

Colin Howell presents Gym to Crag; Red River Gorge; Part of our ongoing stewardship programs is our Gym to Crag presentations. We enjoy visiting neighboring climbing gyms and having in depth discussions about what to expect for your first time climbing outside and how to be a good steward of the land that we love […]

Mapping Out Adventure on the Ohio to Erie Trail

Endeavour C Wright State Student Union

Tom Bilcze presents Mapping Out Adventure on the Ohio to Erie Trail; The Ohio to Erie Trail is a 326-mile network of multipurpose trails that cross the state of Ohio from the Ohio River in Cincinnati through Columbus to Cleveland on the Lake Erie shore. Almost 90% of the 326-miles follow rail trails, canal towpaths, […]

Keepers of the Trail Panel

Pathfinder Wright State Student Union

This panel discusses the opportunity and impact of volunteer patrols along the Miami Valley Trails, the nation's largest paved trail network. Each panelist will give a 10-15 presentation about their responsibilities and experience, then there will be question/answer time. Moderator Brent Anslinger Five Rivers MetroParks Outdoor Recreation Program Manager Panelists Gary Wright Greene County Sentinels […]

Diversity in the Outdoors Panel

Atlantis Wright State Student Union

In this interactive panel discussion, panelists will answer your questions and address concerns regarding barriers of entry, pathways to inclusion, challenges for people of color in the outdoors, and lack of representation in the outdoor industry. Moderator: Quatez Scott - Wright State University Intercultural Specialist for the Bolinga Black Cultural Resources Center Panel Members: Sofia […]

Avoiding and Managing Heat and Cold Illness

Fitness Studio C Wright State Student Union

Dr. Josh Stierwalt presents Avoiding and Managing Heat and Cold Illness;  It's cold outside right now and warmer weather is just around the corner! Exposure to environmental extremes including cold, hot and humid conditions can cause illness and even death. Learn tips on cold & heat illness prevention, and how to treat it should it […]

Walking & Biking the Camino Portuguese

Apollo A Wright State Student Union

Michelle & Brian Coleman present Walking & Biking the Camino Portuguese Take an adventure with the Colemans as they share stories and preparation tips from their 2019 Camino from Lisbon, Portugal to Santiago de Compostela. While many are familiar with the Camino de Santiago, most only know of the Camino Frances, the 500-mile route from Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port […]

Capturing the Moment – My YouTube Journey

Endeavour A Wright State Student Union

Lance Smith presents Capturing the Moment – My YouTube Journey; Outdoor videography has been popular for many years now, and with better quality cameras and higher internet speeds available to everyone, YouTube has become extremely popular for both creating and consuming content. Videos can be found on anything from months-long through hikes to backyard nature […]

Backpacking Loops of Ohio

Endeavour B Wright State Student Union

Jim Rahtz presents Backpacking Loops of Ohio; Many backpackers dream of epic, once in a lifetime thru-hikes that take months to walk and cover thousands of miles. Rather than just dream, consider taking one of many great backpacking trails right here in Ohio. Options range from easy strolls to challenging 50+ mile hikes that travel […]

Youth in the Wild

Endeavour C Wright State Student Union

Jonathan Slider presents Youth in the Wild; Trailblazing Hope Outdoors is a local nonprofit whose mission is to provide a modality of mental, emotional, and physical healing through outdoor recreation and education to youth in the Miami Valley. In order to accomplish this mission THO has identified three primary objectives: recreation, education, and conservation. Through […]

All the Places that you Own: Exploring your NPS sites

Discovery A+B Wright State Student Union

James, Cheri, Jameson, & Gerald Maitland present All the Places that You Own. Exploring your NPS sites; The Maitlands are the first family to have been to all 423 NPS units, taking 8 years, and breaking 3 world records. However, they never intended to do so. The program is an illustration of how they started. […]

Essentials of Wilderness Survival

Fitness Studio C Wright State Student Union

Dr. Kermit Huebner presents Essentials of Wilderness Survival;  Activities in the wilderness deserve healthy respect and a knowledge of survival fundamentals to thrive in the midst of unanticipated complications.  This session will review basic survival skills and recommendations for climate specific survival kits. Bio Dr. Huebner is an emergency medicine physician with multinational medical experiences […]

50k a Day: A Record Setting Journey on Ohio’s Buckeye Trail

Pathfinder Wright State Student Union

Everett Brandt presents 50K a Day: A Record Setting Journey on Ohio's Buckeye Trail; Recounting his 2018 record setting thru-hike, Everett Brandt will share his year-long endeavor to document the first official Fastest Known Time of Ohio's Buckeye Trail. He will discuss his preparation, training, day to day experience, and lessons learned on his journey. Bio Everett Brandt is […]

Living an Adventure Filled Life – Lessons from COVID Times

Endeavour A Wright State Student Union

Terri Lechton presents Living an Adventure-filled Life – Lessons from COVID Times; Did your list of potential adventures evaporate after the Adventure Summit in 2020 when COVID hit? Mine did as I canceled and postponed trips and activities. What I found was that even with restrictions on travel, there are several creative ways to continue […]

Van-Supported Southern Tier Bike Tour

Endeavour B Wright State Student Union

Mark Rasch presents Van-Supported Southern Tier Bike Tour; The Adventure Cycling Association Van-Supported Southern Tier Bike Tour is a 59 day cycling odyssey which originates in San Diego, California and ends in St. Augustine, Florida. The literal and figurative "ups and downs" of this trip will be discussed from the perspective of a 62-year old […]

Boundary Waters 101

Discovery A+B Wright State Student Union

Jim Rahtz presents Boundary Waters 101; Starting in Northern Minnesota and spreading into Canada there are over two million acres of preserved wilderness just waiting for you. The Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness and adjacent Quetico Provincial Park, known collectively as the Boundary Waters, may just be the finest place in the world to canoe, […]

Chasing 948 Miles in Great Smoky Mountains National Park

Apollo A Wright State Student Union

Nancy East & Chris Ford present Chasing 948 Miles in Great Smoky Mountains National Park In 2020, Nancy East and Chris Ford, two everyday athletes, earned a fastest known time (FKT) of the Smokies 900 Challenge. The duo will share the highs and lows of hiking 948 miles in 29 days with over 165,000 feet of […]

The Making of ‘Meandering Thru’ Documenting a FKT

Pathfinder Wright State Student Union

Kevin Morrissey & Everett Brand present The Making of 'Meandering Thru' Documenting a FKT; A behind the scenes look at the forthcoming 2022 feature length documentary "Meandering Thru" about Everett Brandt's record breaking attempt of the Buckeye Trail. Learn what it takes to make a feature film in the wilderness, run or hike 30 miles a […]

Strength Training for Adventure

Fitness Studio C Wright State Student Union

Richard Munn presents Strength Training for Adventure; Learn how the body responds, physiologically, to weight training methodologies and adventure. We will then look at various weight/strength training methodologies to help enjoy everything from hiking to paddling injury free and for many years. Bio Richard managed the Kettering fitness and wellness center for five years, was a […]

Tribute to Adventurer Allen Johnson

Endeavour C Wright State Student Union

Karla & Carl Brun present Tribute to Adventurer Allen Johnson; Karla and Carl Brun will provide a short biography of Allen’s accomplishments and share stories of their travels with Allen Johnson, who wrote 31 books, 250 articles, and gave over 100 presentations about his travels around the world, many of which were chronicled as “Adventures […]

The Spotted Turtle Trail: Explore Beavercreek’s Wetlands

Endeavour B Wright State Student Union

David Goldstein, Beth Edsall and Jacki Mayer present The Spotted Turtle Trail: Explore Beavercreek's Wetlands; Over the past century or two, Ohio has lost about 90 percent of its wetlands. However, right here in our own backyard, a corridor of beautiful wetlands runs from Pearl's Fen in the north to Phillips Park 15 miles downstream, […]

Beyond the Trash in our Parks & What it Means for our Future

Endeavour A Wright State Student Union

Michael Rudd presents Beyond the Trash in our River; What it Means for our Future; Mike R will be sharing the story of the Keep Columbus Clean creation that has hauled 15,000 plus pounds of trash out of Central Ohio's public lands since '17 and how any other group, town, or city can do the […]