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The Novice’s Guide to Treating Breaks, Bruises, Sprains & Strains Part 2

Fitness Studio C Wright State Student Union

Dr. Hillary McKinley & Dr. Heather Stuart present The Novice's Guide to Treating Breaks, Bruises, Sprains & Strains Part 2  Orthopedic injuries are among the most common seen in outdoor activities. This is a practical guide for those without advanced medical training to assess and stabilize commonly encountered injuries in the outdoor setting with limited resources. […]

The Grand Canyon: Learn! Plan! Go!

Endeavour A Wright State Student Union

Charley Schuerholz presents The Grand Canyon: Learn! Plan! Go!; Have you thought about what it would be like to hike one of the World’s Seven Natural Wonders? Do you crave a challenging hike in an extreme environment? Have you thought about planning a Grand Canyon trip (or a trip to any national park), but find […]

Gym to Crag; Red River Gorge

Atlantis Wright State Student Union

Colin Howell presents Gym to Crag; Red River Gorge; Part of our ongoing stewardship programs is our Gym to Crag presentations. We enjoy visiting neighboring climbing gyms and having in depth discussions about what to expect for your first time climbing outside and how to be a good steward of the land that we love […]

My Experience Hiking the Buckeye Trail

Endeavour B Wright State Student Union

Jeffrey Yoest presents My Experience Hiking the Buckeye Trail; A volunteer of the Buckeye Trail Association for over 25 years, Jeff Yoest recently completed his long time dream to hike the length of the Buckeye Trail this past Autumn. Over the years, he has hiked numerous regions of the US, and two trips to Scotland. […]

Traveling the Carretera Austral through Chilean Patagonia

Pathfinder Wright State Student Union

Steve Bauerle and Erika Kemman present Traveling the Carretera Austral through Chilean Patagonia; Learn information and details of traveling through Chilean Patagonia on Route 7 which is also known as the Carretera Austral.  Learn about the journey of traveling on ferry boats through fjords, exploring some of the many national parks, accommodations and general travel […]

Mapping Out Adventure on the Ohio to Erie Trail

Endeavour C Wright State Student Union

Tom Bilcze presents Mapping Out Adventure on the Ohio to Erie Trail; The Ohio to Erie Trail is a 326-mile network of multipurpose trails that cross the state of Ohio from the Ohio River in Cincinnati through Columbus to Cleveland on the Lake Erie shore. Almost 90% of the 326-miles follow rail trails, canal towpaths, […]

Keepers of the Trail Panel

Pathfinder Wright State Student Union

This panel discusses the opportunity and impact of volunteer patrols along the Miami Valley Trails, the nation's largest paved trail network. Each panelist will give a 10-15 presentation about their responsibilities and experience, then there will be question/answer time. Moderator Brent Anslinger Five Rivers MetroParks Outdoor Recreation Program Manager Panelists Gary Wright Greene County Sentinels […]

Diversity in the Outdoors Panel

Atlantis Wright State Student Union

In this interactive panel discussion, panelists will answer your questions and address concerns regarding barriers of entry, pathways to inclusion, challenges for people of color in the outdoors, and lack of representation in the outdoor industry. Moderator: Quatez Scott - Wright State University Intercultural Specialist for the Bolinga Black Cultural Resources Center Panel Members: Sofia […]

Avoiding and Managing Heat and Cold Illness

Fitness Studio C Wright State Student Union

Dr. Josh Stierwalt presents Avoiding and Managing Heat and Cold Illness;  It's cold outside right now and warmer weather is just around the corner! Exposure to environmental extremes including cold, hot and humid conditions can cause illness and even death. Learn tips on cold & heat illness prevention, and how to treat it should it […]

Walking & Biking the Camino Portuguese

Apollo A Wright State Student Union

Michelle & Brian Coleman present Walking & Biking the Camino Portuguese Take an adventure with the Colemans as they share stories and preparation tips from their 2019 Camino from Lisbon, Portugal to Santiago de Compostela. While many are familiar with the Camino de Santiago, most only know of the Camino Frances, the 500-mile route from Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port […]

Capturing the Moment – My YouTube Journey

Endeavour A Wright State Student Union

Lance Smith presents Capturing the Moment – My YouTube Journey; Outdoor videography has been popular for many years now, and with better quality cameras and higher internet speeds available to everyone, YouTube has become extremely popular for both creating and consuming content. Videos can be found on anything from months-long through hikes to backyard nature […]

Backpacking Loops of Ohio

Endeavour B Wright State Student Union

Jim Rahtz presents Backpacking Loops of Ohio; Many backpackers dream of epic, once in a lifetime thru-hikes that take months to walk and cover thousands of miles. Rather than just dream, consider taking one of many great backpacking trails right here in Ohio. Options range from easy strolls to challenging 50+ mile hikes that travel […]

Mountain Climbing in Antarctica

Discovery A+B Wright State Student Union

Bud Thomas presents Mountain Climbing in Antarctica; A mountain climbing expedition was formed by a commercial venture to travel to Antarctica with the goal of making the first recorded summits of 2 peaks.  The presentation highlights the challenges associated with scouting out and climbing the snow covered peaks as well as showcasing the beauty of […]

Youth in the Wild

Endeavour C Wright State Student Union

Jonathan Slider presents Youth in the Wild; Trailblazing Hope Outdoors is a local nonprofit whose mission is to provide a modality of mental, emotional, and physical healing through outdoor recreation and education to youth in the Miami Valley. In order to accomplish this mission THO has identified three primary objectives: recreation, education, and conservation. Through […]

All the Places that you Own: Exploring your NPS sites

Discovery A+B Wright State Student Union

James, Cheri, Jameson, & Gerald Maitland present All the Places that You Own. Exploring your NPS sites; The Maitlands are the first family to have been to all 423 NPS units, taking 8 years, and breaking 3 world records. However, they never intended to do so. The program is an illustration of how they started. […]

Essentials of Wilderness Survival

Fitness Studio C Wright State Student Union

Dr. Kermit Huebner presents Essentials of Wilderness Survival;  Activities in the wilderness deserve healthy respect and a knowledge of survival fundamentals to thrive in the midst of unanticipated complications.  This session will review basic survival skills and recommendations for climate specific survival kits. Bio Dr. Huebner is an emergency medicine physician with multinational medical experiences […]

50k a Day: A Record Setting Journey on Ohio’s Buckeye Trail

Pathfinder Wright State Student Union

Everett Brandt presents 50K a Day: A Record Setting Journey on Ohio's Buckeye Trail; Recounting his 2018 record setting thru-hike, Everett Brandt will share his year-long endeavor to document the first official Fastest Known Time of Ohio's Buckeye Trail. He will discuss his preparation, training, day to day experience, and lessons learned on his journey. Bio Everett Brandt is […]

Living an Adventure Filled Life – Lessons from COVID Times

Endeavour A Wright State Student Union

Terri Lechton presents Living an Adventure-filled Life – Lessons from COVID Times; Did your list of potential adventures evaporate after the Adventure Summit in 2020 when COVID hit? Mine did as I canceled and postponed trips and activities. What I found was that even with restrictions on travel, there are several creative ways to continue […]

Van-Supported Southern Tier Bike Tour

Endeavour B Wright State Student Union

Mark Rasch presents Van-Supported Southern Tier Bike Tour; The Adventure Cycling Association Van-Supported Southern Tier Bike Tour is a 59 day cycling odyssey which originates in San Diego, California and ends in St. Augustine, Florida. The literal and figurative "ups and downs" of this trip will be discussed from the perspective of a 62-year old […]

Taking Pride Outside

Apollo A Wright State Student Union

  Justin Yoder presents Taking Pride Outside; When an LGBTQ+ person comes "out of the closet", they often look for that place of acceptance which can often be the bar and club scene. However, even if a person's mother doesn't accept them, Mother Nature always will. The outdoors is a place full of heart pounding […]

Never Say No to Adventure (Midwest Outdoor Leadership Conference)

Atlantis Wright State Student Union

Eileen Raphael, Matthew Walsh, Zack Raniszeski, Annie Mayer, & Megan Peters present Never Say No to Adventure; Midwest Outdoor Leadership Conference Embracing adventure has added immeasurable value to our lives. In this presentation, University of Dayton students Megan, Mathew, Eileen, Zack, and Annie will share their stories of how overcoming doubt and saying "yes" to […]

Boundary Waters 101

Discovery A+B Wright State Student Union

Jim Rahtz presents Boundary Waters 101; Starting in Northern Minnesota and spreading into Canada there are over two million acres of preserved wilderness just waiting for you. The Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness and adjacent Quetico Provincial Park, known collectively as the Boundary Waters, may just be the finest place in the world to canoe, […]

Chasing 948 Miles in Great Smoky Mountains National Park

Apollo A Wright State Student Union

Nancy East & Chris Ford present Chasing 948 Miles in Great Smoky Mountains National Park In 2020, Nancy East and Chris Ford, two everyday athletes, earned a fastest known time (FKT) of the Smokies 900 Challenge. The duo will share the highs and lows of hiking 948 miles in 29 days with over 165,000 feet of […]

The Making of ‘Meandering Thru’ Documenting a FKT

Pathfinder Wright State Student Union

Kevin Morrissey & Everett Brand present The Making of 'Meandering Thru' Documenting a FKT; A behind the scenes look at the forthcoming 2022 feature length documentary "Meandering Thru" about Everett Brandt's record breaking attempt of the Buckeye Trail. Learn what it takes to make a feature film in the wilderness, run or hike 30 miles a […]

Strength Training for Adventure

Fitness Studio C Wright State Student Union

Richard Munn presents Strength Training for Adventure; Learn how the body responds, physiologically, to weight training methodologies and adventure. We will then look at various weight/strength training methodologies to help enjoy everything from hiking to paddling injury free and for many years. Bio Richard managed the Kettering fitness and wellness center for five years, was a […]

The Spotted Turtle Trail: Explore Beavercreek’s Wetlands

Endeavour B Wright State Student Union

David Goldstein, Beth Edsall and Jacki Mayer present The Spotted Turtle Trail: Explore Beavercreek's Wetlands; Over the past century or two, Ohio has lost about 90 percent of its wetlands. However, right here in our own backyard, a corridor of beautiful wetlands runs from Pearl's Fen in the north to Phillips Park 15 miles downstream, […]

Tribute to Adventurer Allen Johnson

Endeavour C Wright State Student Union

Karla & Carl Brun present Tribute to Adventurer Allen Johnson; Karla and Carl Brun will provide a short biography of Allen’s accomplishments and share stories of their travels with Allen Johnson, who wrote 31 books, 250 articles, and gave over 100 presentations about his travels around the world, many of which were chronicled as “Adventures […]

Beyond the Trash in our Parks & What it Means for our Future

Endeavour A Wright State Student Union

Michael Rudd presents Beyond the Trash in our River; What it Means for our Future; Mike R will be sharing the story of the Keep Columbus Clean creation that has hauled 15,000 plus pounds of trash out of Central Ohio's public lands since '17 and how any other group, town, or city can do the […]

What Does Human Rights have to do with Being Outdoors? (Midwest Outdoor Leadership Conference)

Atlantis Wright State Student Union

Angela Weiland presents What Does Human Rights have to do with Being Outdoors? The Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that all humans have a universal right to rest and leisure. Personal stories, testimonials, and industry trends, will be reviewed and evaluated to critically examine where human rights advocacy in the outdoors has been and […]

El Camino de Santiago – Two Styles of Travel by Diana Glawe and Emily Foubert

Wright State University, Student Union Building, Endeavour Room Student Union Building, Fairborn, OH, United States

El Camino de Santiago is a 1,200-year-old pilgrimage across Europe culminating at the final resting place of the Apostle St. James. Diana Glawe and Emily Foubert will share their distinct experiences on El Camino as they both chose different styles of travel. Glawe stayed in pre-arranged private room lodging, while Foubert stayed in albergues (hostels […]

Three Months on the North Sea Cycle Route, by Tracy Burge

Cox Arboretum MetroPark, Fifth Third Conference Room 6733 N Springboro Pike, Dayton, OH, United States

Tracy Burge has dreamed of long trails since childhood after reading about a kid who rode his bike across the country. After years of adventures and misadventures, Burge saw her upcoming retirement as an opportunity of a lifetime. She began searching for the “longest bike trip in the world” and found the North Sea Cycle […]

Biking Dayton to Niagara Falls, by Jeffrey McElfresh

Wright State University, Student Union Building, Endeavour Room Student Union Building, Fairborn, OH, United States

In the summer of 2022, Jeffrey (JuicyMelt) McElfresh cycled 933 miles over 19 days, traveling solo to Niagara Falls before turning around and pedaling home to Dayton, Ohio. Averaging over 50 miles each day and (mostly) camping along the way, he pushed his physical boundaries, made some incredible friends and wrestled with the nature of […]

Indoor Triathlon

The Adventure Summit Pool +1 more

The Adventure Summit Triathlon includes a 15 minute run/walk, followed by a 15 minute bike and concludes with a 15 minute swim. Participant scores will be based on distance “traveled” over the combined 45 exercise minutes. The triathlon is a great way to gauge your current fitness level, get an extra workout in or just […]

Summit Soiree

Endeavor Room

The Summit Soiree presented by Great Lakes Brewing Company is a great opportunity to meet our featured speakers, and network with the outdoor recreation community. Buy Tickets The Soiree will be in the Endeavour Room from 6:30pm-8:00pm and the cost is $15.00 per person. You will check in at the door, at this time we […]

Canoe Battleship

The Adventure Summit Pool

We sunk your Battleship! This friendly competition is sure to be fun and exciting as teams of four, try to sink other boats in an all-out battle in the pool. Each team will paddle around using buckets and throw water into the other team’s boats in an attempt to sink them before they sink you! […]

Women in the Outdoors Conversation featuring Susan Marie Conrad sponsored by Explorer Chick Adventure Co.

Dixon Lounge near the Union Market Wright State Student Union

Women in the Outdoors Conversation presented by Explorer Chick Adventure Co. Join Susan Marie Conrad, Nicki Bruckman, and Yvonne Entingh for coffee and conversation that may include topics such as gaining confidence in the wild, safety, fear, building comfort, benefits of traveling in women specific groups, wildlife encounters, aging, healing and transformative experiences, and advice […]

Paddling with Gators: Okefenokee Swamp Expedition, by John & Lanae Abnet, Gary & Linda De Lock

Apollo A Wright State Student Union

In February of 2023, fellow adventures Gary and Linda De Kock and John and LaNae Abnet canoed and camped the vast 438,000-acre peat-filled wetland straddling the Georgia–Florida, which is the great Okefenokee Swamp. Considered to be one of the Seven Natural Wonders of Georgia, the Okefenokee is the largest "blackwater" swamp in North America. Experience […]

Peace Pilgrim, by Randall Roberts

Admissions 3640 Colonel Glenn Hwy, Fairborn, United States

From 1953 until 1981, a silver haired woman calling herself "Peace Pilgrim" walked more than 25,000 miles on a personal pilgrimage for peace. She shared her simple but profound message “when enough of us find inner peace, our institutions will become peaceful and there will be no more occasion for war.” Randall will share what […]

Climbing the 50 High Points of the United States, by Ron Schilb

Endeavour B Wright State Student Union

Ronald Schilb, an avid adventurer, has conquered 49 of the 50 high points across states without the aid of a guide. He meticulously utilized guidebooks and leveraged information from the High Pointer's Club, leaving only Hawaii's high point unvisited—an aspiration he hopes to fulfill in the near future. His journey commenced at age 8 when […]

Planning and Bikepacking the Ohio to Erie Trail, by Chad Ingle & Ron Hundt

Discovery A+B Wright State Student Union

Ron Hundt recently retired from his current employer and was seeking all types of adventures for his newfound time. Ron and Chad Ingle put their adventurous brains together and decided to take on the biking adventure of the Ohio to Erie Trail (OTET). Chad and Ron biked the 300+ mile OTET starting at Lake Erie […]

No Need for a Camper or Van-Car Camping in Your Vehicle, by Greg Behrens

Endeavour A Wright State Student Union

Many have discovered the “Van Life” style of living; yet few realize that you can easily go “stealth” car camping in an SUV or even a Toyota Prius. While I am no expert, I have converted a 2010 Subaru Forester into a vehicle that I have parked at a trail head for a good night […]

Bicycle Touring in the Miami Valley, by Jordan Hart

Endeavour C Wright State Student Union

Have you ever thought about going on a bicycle touring trip, but aren't sure where to start? Check out all of the local, regional, and national route options that sit within or travel through the Miami Valley from Adventure Cycling Association Routes to the Ohio to Erie Trail and local weekend tours. Learn about lodging […]

Off the Beaten Path in Croatia, by Heather Muhlhauser

Atlantis Wright State Student Union

Join Heather Muhlhauser for an "Off The Beaten Path" hiking & sailing adventure in Croatia. Heather is the founder of Elevate Excursions, a yoga, hiking & foodie travel company and will share her favorite spots and active things to do in Croatia while avoiding crowds. This presentation is for active travelers that love the outdoors […]

Try Snorkeling with Aquatic Realm Scuba Center

The Adventure Summit Pool

Snorkeling brings the wonders of the blue planet to almost everyone.  It’s super easy but learning a few basic skills makes it even more fun, so try snorkeling. No prior experience is necessary, but you need to be in reasonable physical health and know how to swim.  This experience does not teach swimming.  Space is […]

Morning Yoga with Wright State University

Fitness Studio C Wright State Student Union

This Yoga flow will help prepare your body for a day of sitting. At The Adventure Summit, your imagination and dreams will flourish while your body grows stiff and tightens from a day of listening to inspiring presentations. Allow yourself one hour to awaken your body and move with your breath.  About Wright State University […]

High Altitude Medicine by Dr. Zachary Campbell


High Altitude Medicine ( Zachery "Zack" Campbell, D.O.):  Outdoor activities occur below the surface and to high peaks.  Learn how changes in the atmosphere affect performance and the medical conditions that may develop. Dr. Zachary Campbell is in his second year of residency with the Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine's Integrated Emergency Medicine Residency […]

Bouldering Competition

Climbing Wall

Competitors can test their bouldering skills in a variety of categories: men’s and women’s in beginner, intermediate and advanced levels. Bouldering competition participants come from all over the region, including students from EKU, Notre Dame, Youngstown State, Miami (OH) and Kent State Universities. The comp has sold out each year, so be sure to register […]

Paddling the Rio Grande in Big Bend National Park by Amy, Brent, Oakley & Austen Anslinger

Endeavour A Wright State Student Union

Chris Landis along with Brent and Amy Anslinger and their two teenage daughters loaded up the van from frigid Ohio with 2 canoes,1 kayak and a boat load of gear and zipped down to Big Bend National Park in Texas.  They spent the final moons of a passing year paddling through Boquillas Canyon with Big […]

Tomfoolery Good Vibes Tour, by Tom Helbig

Discovery A+B Wright State Student Union

Tom Helbig traveled 15,000 miles self-supported on his bicycle around the perimeter of the U.S. on a mission to spread love and good vibes. The Tomfoolery Good Vibes Tour route began in Ocean Beach, CA in 2016 and finished in Bath, Maine in 2020. He offered volunteer service, raised 10,000 dollars for Special Olympics and […]

Biking Florida: A Trip Through Paradise Takes a Wrong Turn, by Jeffrey McElfresh

Atlantis Wright State Student Union

Biketouring Florida: When a trip through paradise takes a wrong turn In the winter of 2022, disabled cyclist Jeffrey (JuicyMelt) McElfresh planned a cycling trip around the coast of Florida. Biking with his wife, Tracy, they made it within 10 miles of Key West before disaster struck. This talk discusses planning, packing, and what happens […]

The Joys of Adventure Failures, by Bill and Angela Fowler

Endeavour C Wright State Student Union

The participant and author of "Bicycling America" will recount the lessons learned (educational, humorous, & character building) of plans that don't always go as planed. As backdrops, this senior citizen will recount details from winter survival, wilderness camping, mountain climbing, kayaking, Alaska bears, and, of course, his solo bicycle trip across America. Bill has a […]

The Spotted Turtle Trail: An Update on Our Progress, by Ken Moran

Admissions 3640 Colonel Glenn Hwy, Fairborn, United States

Beaver Creek Wetlands Association presented at the 2021 Adventure Summit about our new venture into creating the Spotted Turtle Trail; a 15-mile trail that will meander through the Beaver Creek Wetland Corridor. Now, two years later and in our third phase of the project, BCWA will present on what we have completed and what is […]

Planning a Multi Day Trip: Lessons from Isle Royale National Park, by Matt Anderson

Endeavour B Wright State Student Union

Thinking about venturing out on a longer backpacking trip, but nervous about never having spent more than a night in the woods? Matt will share his experience doing just that and leading a group of people with wildly varying outdoor experience into the backcountry. It all began when his brother-in-law mentioned that a trip to […]

Indoor Cycling with Rinse Cycle Club

Fitness Studio A

Enjoy indoor cycling by connecting movement with amazing jams that will leave you feeling so fresh and so clean. For all levels, modifications always available. When you can’t cycle outside, experience it indoors!   About Rinse Cycle Club  Everyone deserves a space where they can be authentically who they are and who they need to be […]

Wilderness Injuries and Splinting by Dr. Ian Sanford


Wilderness Injuries and Splinting (Ian Sanford, D.O.):  Orthopedic injuries are among the most common seen in outdoor activities. Learn tips for diagnosing and managing injuries to bones, joints, muscles, and connective tissue in the outdoors, along with suggested materials for your medical kit. Dr. Ian Sanford is a second year resident with the Wright State […]

Sailing the Galapagos Islands: Hiking, Kayaking, Snorkeling, and Wildlife Encounters by Don and Sue Klosterman

Apollo A Wright State Student Union

The Klostermans are excited to share the story of our 7-day guided sea adventure aboard The Nemo III in July 2023.  The boat carried our group of 11 adventure tourists and a crew of 9, sailing around the Galapagos Islands located 600 miles off the west coast of Ecuador near the equator.  Each action-packed day […]

Try Scuba with Aquatic Realm Scuba Center

The Adventure Summit Pool

Have you always wondered what it’s like to breathe underwater? If you want to try scuba diving or are interested in a certification course, sign up for Try Scuba. No prior experience with scuba diving is necessary, but you need to be in reasonable physical health.  Space is limited, slots filled on first come first […]

Ohio Trail Town Summit

Emerald Room

Ohio Trail Town Summit is hosted by the Buckeye Trail Association in collaboration with The Adventure Summit. The agenda will consist of 4 one-hour conversations set aside from the rest of the Adventure Summit exhibitions and inspiring speakers. The Ohio Trail Town Summit looks to promote and recognize the communities that warmly welcome outdoor enthusiasts […]

Two One Way Tickets to Paradise by Uriah Langmeyer & Leolani Stanley

Endeavour A Wright State Student Union

In the years leading up to 2018, Uriah had deployed several times and for several months at a time with the Red Cross as a disaster volunteer. His passion and willingness to help those in need spearheaded a pretty wild idea. With the combined desire to travel, volunteer, and be of service, he proposed to […]

Backpack Right Here in Ohio, by Jim Rahtz

Endeavour C Wright State Student Union

Many backpackers dream of epic, once in a lifetime thru-hikes that take months to walk and cover thousands of miles. Beyond dreaming though, consider taking one of many great backpacking trails right here in Ohio. Options range from easy strolls to challenging 50+ mile hikes that travel through surprisingly impressive scenery. In addition, most of […]

Seeking Synchronicity: A Solo Paddle Up the Inside Passage, by Susan Marie Conrad

Discovery A+B Wright State Student Union

Put any human in a tiny vessel and send them up a perilous 1,200-mile stretch of the Inside Passage of British Columbia and SE Alaska—and they are bound to have stories! Susan Conrad’s stories are not just filled with intrigue and adventure, but they have heart, inspiration, and gratitude. Susan will share stories and images […]

Circumnavigating the North Sea Cycling Route, by Tracy Burge

Atlantis Wright State Student Union

This program explains how to plan, how to pack and how to enjoy riding for three months in European countries. Interactive activities included. Tracy Burge is passionate about sharing and inspiring others. As a world traveler, adventure racer, expedition cyclist, and long-distance hiker, Tracy has garnered a wealth of knowledge and experiences throughout their journeys. […]

Riding the Katy Trail, by Jordan & Camee Hart

Admissions 3640 Colonel Glenn Hwy, Fairborn, United States

Dayton locals Jordan Hart and Camee Hart will talk about their exciting 240 mile bike journey on Missouri’s Katy Trail. They will share pictures and stories from this scenic and historic old train route that often runs alongside the great Missouri River and in parts even traces the path of famed explorers Lewis and Clark. Hear what happened […]

Kayak Roll Lesson & Demonstration with New World Expeditions

The Adventure Summit Pool

Watch kayakers, as young as 8, and as old as 70+, safely roll their kayaks in both single and tandem whitewater kayaks. They will offer to teach one brand new volunteer to roll a kayak in one single one-hour session.   Head to the spectator area in the pool to witness kayak rolling galore! Perhaps bring […]

TRX for Runners with Space Three

Fitness Studio C Wright State Student Union

Unlike any workout you’ve ever tried, TRX – Total Body Resistance Exercise – is a suspension training workout that meets you where you are; adjust the position of your hands and feet in the TRX bands to make the workout more challenging or more forgiving based on your comfort level. TRX is perfect for people […]

Cold and Heat Injuries: Recognition, Prevention, and Field Treatment by Dr. Caleb Ellis


Cold and Heat Injuries: Recognition, Prevention, and Field Treatment (Caleb Ellis, M.D ): Dr. Caleb Ellis is a second-year resident in the Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine's Integrated Emergency Medicine Residency Program.  He is an avid outdoorsman with interests in a wide variety of adventure experiences, including backpacking, bikepacking, mountain biking, road cycling, […]

Adventures in Baja Mexico by Tom Helbig

Endeavour B Wright State Student Union

Hear tales of Tom Helbig’s two-month vanlife adventure in Baja Mexico. He explored most of the peninsula surfing, paddling, fly fishing, snorkeling and fatbiking discovering amazing natural spaces, beautiful people, delicious food and vibrant culture. The penninsula is 775 mies long with over 1900 miles of coastline providing endless opportunities for adventure. He also completed […]

Sixteen Day Expedition Rowing the Grand Canyon, by Amy Dingle and Cassie Lane

Discovery A+B Wright State Student Union

Living as river nomads and moving their lives downstream daily, Amy Dingle and Cassie Lane - along with 14 other friends and strangers - rowed the mighty Colorado. Through huge whitewater, sweltering heat, freezing water and 50 MPH headwinds, the group paddled 226 miles in the beautiful, geological marvel of the Grand Canyon.   Learn about […]

From Homelessness to Accomplishing Incredible Expeditions, by Jillian Brown

Apollo A Wright State Student Union

Jillian A. Brown's presentation will take you on a wild ride of adventure, emotion and passion. Her presentation shares the story of a driven young women who finds herself homeless and lost, to shifting her experiences into fuel to drive her to accomplish a World First paddling a tandem sea kayak down the Colorado River […]

Gateways to Microadventures on the Ohio to Erie Trail, by Tom Bilcze

Endeavour A Wright State Student Union

The Ohio to Erie Trail is on the trails checklist of Ohioans and national and international explorers seeking adventure in the outdoors. The 326-mile off-road, non-motorized path through Ohio offers excitement and challenge to cyclists of all ages and abilities. The 23 trails and 27  towns and cities serve up the culture, diversity, and heritage […]

Be Your Community Rock Star, by Mike Bisig

Endeavour B Wright State Student Union

Join Mike Bisig, owner of Mikes Bike Park (Dayton, OH) while he tells his secrets to being a true advocate for your adventure community. Learn the steps and techniques it takes to stand out in a crowd while working to make your community a better place. This is an interactive presentation so be ready to […]

Rising from the Ashes, Overcoming the Impossible, by Harold Holdren

Endeavour C Wright State Student Union

The rise, and the disastrous fall a competitive cyclist. From riding races, to 7 spine surgeries and two elbow surgeries. Learn about the journey back to the top – as Harold overcame impossible odds to return to his beloved sport. After 11 long years of rebuilding. And race yet again. It will be immersive in […]

One Year… One Quest – America’s 428 National Parks, by Tom Wright

Atlantis Wright State Student Union

Tom Wright is an avid enthusiast of America’s national parks, having embarked on journeys to these cultural and natural treasures since the 1960s. His early explorations were rooted in family vacations, marked by stops at iconic sites like Mount Rushmore, Independence Hall, and the Grand Canyon. After earning a B.S. in Chemical Engineering from Virginia […]

Cycling Across America One State at a Time, by Brent Devitt

Admissions 3640 Colonel Glenn Hwy, Fairborn, United States

It has taken Brent 10 years, 13 sections and nearly 4000 miles cycling one state at a time to travel across America from Rialto Bay Washington to West Quoddy Maine. His adventures are well chronicled with photos and stories of unique places and friendly folks he has discovered along the way. His route is like […]

Stretching for Hikers, Paddlers, Climbers and All with Wright State University

Fitness Studio C Wright State Student Union

Stretching is an important part of adventuring. It can improve your range of motion, increase circulation, and calm your mind which may help reduce the risk of injuries and illness. Try this all-levels stretching class to increase your range of motion and bring awareness to your body.   About Wright State University Campus Recreation   Campus Recreation […]

Essentials of Wilderness Survival by Dr. Kermit Huebner


Activities in the wilderness deserve healthy respect and knowledge of survival fundamentals to thrive amid unanticipated complications.  This session will review basic survival skills and recommendations for climate-specific survival kits. Dr. Kermit Huebner is an Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine with the Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine's Integrated Emergency Medicine Residency Program. He […]

Try Kayaking

The Adventure Summit Pool

Join Wright State University and Five Rivers Metroparks in the pool to try kayaking! We will bring along our kayaks, paddles, and lifejackets so you get the chance to try kayaking in the safety of the pool. Paddle around or practice your skills- it’s your call! 

Trekking in Nepal, Gokyo Lakes and Everest Base Camp, by Megan Reardon

Apollo A Wright State Student Union

Join Megan for the story of a 15-day trek in the Himalayas to the Gokyo Lakes and Everest Base Camp. You'll cross rivers and glaciers, visit peaks and high passes, and hear about the Buddhist culture of the mountains. In addition to practical tips for embarking on a trip like this, we'll also hit on […]

Bikepacking: A Beginners Guide, by Lance Smith

Endeavour A Wright State Student Union

The term “bikepacking” has become extremely popular in recent years, though it has actually been around for quite a while. It can also be known as “All Terrain Biking” or sometimes under the umbrella of “bike touring” (which is slightly different). The activity involves adding bags/accessories to a bicycle and heading out overnight—usually camping or […]

From Near Death to Dumpster Diving, A Dirtbag Climber’s Tale, by Molly Finch

Endeavour C Wright State Student Union

After recovering from a medical event that could’ve cost her life, a characteristically risk-averse, chronically ill college student throws all caution to the wind and sets out on a life-changing, multi-year cross-country adventure starting with only $3000 and a Chevy Cruze loaded with climbing gear. Molly Finch was raised in Ohio, where she engaged in […]

Enhance Group Dynamics through Leadership Roles, by Christine Varga, + Molly Cancian & Miles Heyse

Discovery A+B Wright State Student Union

Identifying the leadership styles of a group can enhance the overall experience participants have on an outdoor adventure excursion whether it is a day trip, casual weekend, week or month-long trip. Knowing how the group dynamic is impacted by natural leadership styles serves as a useful tool in planning and facilitation. Everyone has a natural […]

Ohiopyle History and Adventure, by Rob Crawford

Atlantis Wright State Student Union

From George Washington's earliest wildness exploration to current adventures on the Laurel Highlands Hiking Trail for backpacking, whitewater kayaking and rafting on the Youghiogheny River and Great Allegheny Passage for cycling. This presentation ties the history of the area that influenced military decisions during the French and Indian War with the mountains and mighty Youghiogheny […]

Fat Biking the Outer Banks, by Tom Helbig

Admissions 3640 Colonel Glenn Hwy, Fairborn, United States

Teamfoolery riders, Tom Helbig and Mike Crider, became the first individuals to fat bike the entire Outer Banks! We rode over 250 miles in 16 days on the beaches of the barrier islands from Shackleford Banks, N.C. to Sandbridge, VA. We island hopped four uninhabited islands using six ferry rides before riding the more populated […]

Adventuring in Utah’s Mighty 5 National Parks, by Amy Anslinger & Ashley Butler

Endeavour B Wright State Student Union

Zion, Bryce Canyon, Canyonlands, Arches and Capital Reef National Parks make up Utah’s Mighty 5. Amy and Ashley will share some of the best day hikes these parks have to offer as well as tips to navigate the permit and parking process. From the top of Angels Landing to the Virgin River, from Devils Garden […]

Weight Lifting to Prepare for Adventure with Wright State University

Fitness Studio C Wright State Student Union

Sometimes the best adventures can take a toll on the body. This class will be a full-body workout and teach you how to prepare your body in the gym to make the most out of your future adventures. Each move is designed for you to be able to do anywhere, whether it be at your […]

Water Rescue by Dr. Kermit Huebner


Water Rescue (Kermit Huebner, MD, MPH): Swimming, boating, kayaking, and other watersports highlight many outdoor adventures. Quick interventions can save lives during emergencies, while careless actions can endanger rescuers and victims. Learn the principles of layperson safety during water rescue. Dr. Kermit Huebner is an Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine with the Wright State University Boonshoft School […]

Joy Driven: An Intergenerational Adventure to Every U.S. National Park, by Dr. Brad Ryan with special appearance by Grandma Joy

Apollo B Wright State Student Union

Dr. Brad Ryan with special appearance by Grandma Joy Intergenerational Adventurer and Mental Health Advocate Visited all 63 US National Parks with his Grandma after her 85th birthday. Inspirational story of intergenerational connection, grace, and healing on the open roads of America. Global viral sensation.     See how a simple weekend camping trip to show […]